Planning and building
Section 106 agreements
There are 2 separate Section 106 (S106) proforma templates that can be used by applicants and / or their agents according to the matters to be secured. They are:
S106 for EFSAC matters only
- Read our explanatory note – How to complete the s106 UU proforma (pdf 106KB)
- S106 UU proforma (bespoke for EFSAC) (docx 72KB)
S106 (covering a range of matters)
Before completing and returning a S106 agreement, it is recommended that you first obtain independent legal advice. We are unable to offer this service to you.
An undertaking for legal fees will be requested by our legal representatives before any work is carried out. In the event that significant redrafting is required to your s106, our legal representative reserves the right to charge for its reasonable costs.
Modification or Discharge of Planning Obligations
Section 106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 enables a person against whom a S106 legal obligation is enforceable to apply to the local planning authority to have the obligation modified or discharged.
Please see below a guidance note for the process and the relevant application form.
- Modification or Discharge to Planning Obligations Guidance Note & Fees (pdf 139KB)
- Modification or Discharge of Planning Obligations – Application Form (doc 39KB)
Compliance with S106 planning obligations
If you would like written confirmation that planning obligations have been complied with, use the following form:
How to make a S106 related payment
All financial related planning contributions should be paid by electronic transfer (BACS or CHAPS) as we do not accept cheque or cash payments. Exceptions to this will be made on a case-by-case basis only.
Contact us for details.
Notification of S106 payments
Applicants are advised to provide written notification of all financial related payments made to our S106 Planning Obligations Officer: