Your privacy is very important to us. We are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy when you interact with us and use our services.
Our privacy policy explains how we collect, use and protect your the personal data. The privacy policy applies to all the data we as a council collect whether this is by letter, email, telephone, online, face-to-face or any other method.
Privacy notices
- Anti-social behaviour and safeguarding
- BookingLive terms and conditions
- CCTV and safeguarding
- Choice based lettings
- Commonplace
- Contingency planning
- Corporate health and safety
- Debt recovery and payments
- Emergency alarm system
- Engineering, drainage and water team
- Environmental health
- Epping Forest Youth Council
- Flexible support fund
- Garden maintenance scheme
- Harlow and Gilston Garden Town
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing Mailchimp newsletter
- Heritage and culture
- Heritage and culture Mailchimp newsletter
- Homelessness prevention and advice
- Home ownership
- House building
- Housing adaptions
- Housing financial management
- Housing gas safety and heating works
- Housing management
- Housing repairs
- Information and customer relations
- J9 Mailchimp newsletter
- Licensing
- Off-street car parks
- Older persons housing
- Payments
- Planning and building control
- Private housing Mailchimp
- Revenues and benefits
- Swipecard and Direct Debits
Your right of access
You have the right to find out if we are using or storing your personal data. This is called the right of access. You can ask for a copy of the data, which is commonly known as making a ‘subject access request’.
You have rights under the General Data Protection Regulation regarding the personal data that we process about you. Read about it at:
Complete the subject access request form:
Data Protection Officer
Contact our Data Protection Officer:
- Email
- Telephone 01992 564000
- Write to – Data Protection Officer, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, CM16 4BZ