Renew your postal vote

Renew your postal vote

Democracy news

Residents who are registered to vote and have a postal vote are being asked to renew their applications.

Anyone with an existing postal and postal proxy vote who applied before 31 October 2023, will need to reapply by 31 January 2026 to retain their existing arrangements.

Reapply now

Some residents have already been reminded via email or text message to reapply for their post vote with details of how they can do this.

Although there are no scheduled local elections for Essex in 2025 after the announcement of Local Government Reform and Devolution, we are encouraging residents to renew their applications within plenty of time before the deadline to ensure all their details are correct. This will allow ample time to process applications, meaning you’ll avoid that last-minute rush, giving you peace of mind.

Apply online

The quickest and easier way to reapply is online.

The form can also be downloaded from the website and sent to the Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) Elections Team at:

  • Elections Team, EFDC Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, CM16 4BZ

Deadline for applications is 31 January 2026.

Further information

Please contact the Elections Team if you have any queries or require more information.

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