Safer Streets funding for Oakwood Hill estate
A successful bid for government cash to fund a ground-breaking community project in Loughton’s Oakwood Hill estate has been approved.
Safer Streets funding
The Safer Streets funding of £167,500, supplemented by £141,000 from Epping Forest District Council and partners, aims to address safety concerns within the community.
Anti-social behaviour
A recent survey with the residents of the estate, highlighted concerns about anti-social behaviour, lack of CCTV, and poor lighting in the area.
In response, the Council has collaborated with various teams to submit a successful bid to the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s office.
As a result, the 1-year project will focus on:
- Increasing CCTV in the area
- Improving lighting
- Creating a safer environment for residents
- Promoting health and wellbeing within the community
Community action days
Community action days will be organised to deliver key safety messages and engage with residents to understand their concerns.
Improvements to lighting and CCTV aim to reduce crime and increase residents’ sense of safety. Additionally, initiatives will be launched with the local school to educate students on healthy relationships as well as enhancing youth provision in the area.
Community engagement
To begin the project, EFDC officers and partner organisations will be carrying out a door-knocking exercise to hear residents’ views on what is needed.
There is an opportunity for residents to take part in a survey which will ask questions about their health, wellbeing, lifestyle behaviours and quality of life. The survey is being conducted by the University of Essex.
Enhancing the community
Cllr Paul Keska, Portfolio holder for Regulatory, Technical & Community Safety Services said:
We are thrilled to have secured this funding for the Oakwood Hill Estate Safer Streets Project.
This project presents great opportunities to enhance the community, promote a sense of ownership in the environment, and address safety concerns and anti-social behaviour. This cross-service initiative, supported by government funding and our own investment, marks a significant step forward for the Council as we work towards creating safer and more secure communities within the district.
By addressing various factors such as the physical environment, crime, and fear of crime, we can improve overall health and wellbeing in the area. Our Community Safety Partnership and Community Resilience team have already demonstrated their dedication to these issues through the successful Ninefields Safer Streets project
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