Stay Safe and Well this winter success
The recent Stay Safe and Well this winter event held in Roydon and Theydon Bois was a success, attracting more than 145 local residents.
Focused primarily on the health and wellbeing of older residents the event featured a variety of information stands, informative talks and health checks, all aimed at helping residents to stay safe and healthy during the winter months.
Participants enjoyed a seated exercise session and an interactive performance on scamming by the Arc Theatre Company. Attendees also received complimentary information bags, entertainment, and a delicious lunch.
Providers on hand offering advice and support on the day were:
- National Energy Action
- Multiply
- Pension Credits
- Essex Fire Services
- Local Pharmacist
- Meningitis Now
- Essex Library Services
- VAEF – Power Up Project
- U3A
- NHS West Essex Talking Therapies
- East of England Ambulance
- Epping Forest District Council Safer Communities Team
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Citizens Advice
- Crime Stoppers
- Find Your Active
- Essex Wellbeing
- Safer Essex Roads Partnership
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Essex Police
- Essex Scams and Crime Prevention
- St Claire Hospice
- Vita Health Group
- HUG 2 grant
- Essex Better Housing Better Health
- Epping Forest Community Lottery
- Open Road Recovery
Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing Cllr Kaz Rizvi said:
Stay Safe and Well events reflect the Council’s commitment to delivering the Epping Forest Health & Wellbeing Strategy. A big thank you to the partners for giving up their time to provide insightful presentations and assist attendees. Previous events have taken place in Sheering and Ongar, with plans to organize at least one event in every area of the district.
This was a free event organised by the Community Development and Wellbeing team at Epping Forest District Council (EFDC), which was part funded by the Community Safety Partnership. It was attended by the Chairman of EFDC Cllr Less Burrows and Vice Chairman Cllr Louise Mead.
A resident who attended the Roydon event said:
The event was very useful and interesting. I signed up for several things I hadn’t previously known about.
Another resident who enjoyed the Theydon Bois event said:
The event provided brilliant information, I am so glad I came, I learnt a lot. The scamming play was extremely well acted and relevant, thank you.
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