Walk away from ‘too good to be true’ aesthetics
Health and safety warning to anyone considering having a non-surgical aesthetic procedure.
Epping Forest District Council is investigating a few local businesses and one specific practitioner linked to the aesthetic procedure known as the Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL, after receiving complaints from several people who experienced complications following the BBL procedure.
Prohibition notice
As a result of the concerns, Epping Forest District Council issued Health and Safety at Work Act Improvement Notices. These required risk assessments to be provided for the BBL procedure.
A prohibition notice has also been issued by the Council on the main practitioner. Prohibiting the carrying out of the BBL procedure until the risks to persons undergoing that procedure have been controlled so far as is reasonably practicable.
Do your research and trust your instincts
A spokesperson for Epping Forest District Council said:
We are working with several other councils where unlicensed, unregulated BBL procedures are taking place across the UK. The Government has recognised concerns at the lack of a licencing regime, and the Health and Care Act 2022 includes a provision for the Secretary of State to introduce a national licencing scheme for a range of aesthetic procedures. The development and consultation around this scheme are still ongoing.
In the meantime, procedures including BBL, thread lifting, and platelet-rich therapy are not always performed by medically trained practitioners. Outside the medical profession, there are few, if any, training courses that are accredited by an awarding body that oversees the content and quality of the training being provided. Even those training courses advertising being CPD Accredited do not confer any level of quality of the training material or competence of the trainer. Basic training courses like the one featured in recent ITV News coverage are unlikely to give the quality of the training needed.
We strongly recommend that anyone considering an invasive aesthetic procedure does their in-depth research first. Currently, there is no oversight of practitioners training or licence to perform these procedures. Do your research and trust your instincts. Walk away if a procedure sounds too good to be true, the procedure is to be held anywhere other than a properly prepared and sterile clinical environment, or the people carrying out the procedure cannot demonstrate adequate training.”
Get in touch
Epping Forest District Council would like to hear from anyone who has had a BBL procedure performed within the district since Thursday 1 February 2024.
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