Your council
Members portal guides
This page is for use for by councillors at Epping Forest District Council.
Residents and public should use the search bar at the top of this page to search for what you are looking for.
Members guides
- Members guide to accessing members portal (pdf 1MB)
- Members guide to iPad device passcode management (pdf 487KB)
- Members guide to member contact password management (pdf 817KB)
- Members Guide to Register for Self Service Password Reset (pdf 443KB)
- Members Guide to using the Member Contact Form (pdf 1MB)
- Members Guide on the best way to contact the Council (pdf 789KB)
- Members guide to register for member contact (pdf 442KB)
- Quickest and easiest ways of contacting EFDC Members Coffee Morning Presentation (pdf 593KB)
- Members Guide to Local Government (pdf 98KB)
- Members Guide to Microsoft Teams (pdf 2MB)
- Member Safety Checklist (132KB)
- ICT Acceptable Usage Policy (pdf 124KB)
- Members Guide to setting up a Chromebook (pdf 6MB)
- Members guide to HOTH (House on the Hill) (pdf 256KB)
iTrent Employee Self Service (ESS)
Modern.Gov allows you to download and view agendas, reports, decisions and meeting minutes.
- You will need your Mod.Gov username and password (as used to access Mod.Gov on iPad)
- Example: APerson District587
- Login to Modern.Gov
- Members How to register your device for modern gov and private papers (apple device) (pdf 3MB)
- Members guide to reset your password for Modern.Gov (pdf 760KB)
You must be logged in to access the links in the below table to the Modern.Gov Extranet:
We webcast some meetings live as they happen. You can find old meetings going back to 2018 on our YouTube channels.
Apply for a service
Book an activity or event
Quick contacts
If the flooding is:
- From a raised manhole cover contact Thames Water on 0800 3169800
- From a road gulley drain or storm drain contact Essex County Council on 0345 6037631
- Your house contact our customer contact centre on 01992 564000
If you are concerned about someone over the age of 18 that you have seen sleeping rough, use this website to send an alert to StreetLink. The details you provide are sent to the local authority or outreach service for the area in which you have seen the person, to help them find the individual and connect them to support.
Do not contact StreetLink if you think the person is under 18, call the police.
Local Highway Panel (LHP)
Parking on the road
Traffic Orders
Information for members on the new employee survey, WorkBuzz.
Layers of different councils and their responsibilities
Essex County Council
- Website
- Contact number is 0345 603 7631 or go to Essex County Council contact us
- Adult social care and health
- Footpaths and pavements
- Libraries
- List of all areas they are responsible for –
- School and education
- Planning
- Register births and deaths
- Roads – Essex Highways
- Transport – buses and trains
- Waste – Disposal of waste and recycling centres –
Epping Forest District Council
- Website
- Contact number is 01992 564000
- Benefits
- Business rates
- Business regulations – including public health
- Community, Culture and Wellbeing – including booking events and museums
- Council Tax
- Crime and safety, including safeguarding
- Environment – including highway rangers and grounds maintenance
- Housing
- Leisure
- Licensing
- Parking and street furniture
- Planning
- Waste collections – including public litter bins and dog bins
- Street numbering and naming
Parish and Town Councils
There are 24 Parish and Town Councils in the Epping Forest district. Find out where these Councils are located on the Parish and Town Councils page.
- Allotments
- Benches
- Burial grounds
- Bus shelters – some not all
- Cemeteries
- Christmas lights
- Community centres
- Community days and fun fairs
- Grounds maintenance
- Markets
- Playgrounds
- Recreation grounds
- Removal of illegal signs on lampposts or fly posting
- Some public bins – Loughton Rec Ground where the lake is – bins are Loughton Town Council responsibility – dog bin is EFDCs
- Town and village halls
- War memorials
- Welcome signs and notice boards
Training videos
- How the council works
- Code of conduct and constitution
- Planning enforcement
- Planning
- Data protection
- Qualis